Most often, the first question I get when someone learns that I wrote a book is “what is it about?” Great question.
I believe that everyone in life should have a reason bigger than themselves for doing what they do. This probably comes from my Christian background and being raised that way. I call this my “Big Why.” My Big Why used to be my family (and in a sense it always will be). The problem with my family being my Big Why in business though is when I thought of them it only made me want to go home early, which is the exact opposite of what you want your Big Why to do. But then my wife and I were invited to a dinner that forever changed our world.
It was May 4th, 2012 when we first learned about the prevalence of human trafficking as it pertains to children, and ever since we have been actively supporting a local charity called Life for the Innocent. This is a Christian charity based out of Fort Collins, Colorado. Life for the Innocent exists to rescue, restore and renew those affected by human trafficking. They provide opportunities for innocent children who have been trafficked to experience new life. This is the passion in our lives. This is our Big Why.
So what exactly is a “Big Why?” A Big Why is anything that inspires or motivates you to do more, go higher, reach further, and otherwise make you better than you would or could be on your own. A Big Why is a catalyst for getting better in every aspect of your life. It requires it. Pursuing a Big Why is the process of connecting with who you were meant to be, who you were created to be.
In the several years that have now passed since that fateful night, I have discovered one of the true miracles that can occur when you start living outside of your own selfishness. Since that night when my wife and I adopted this new purpose, it has driven much of what we do. Because when you are passionate about something, anything, it will permeate into every facet of your life. We are joyful, driven individuals who have a clarity in life that few possess.
I have seen this not only greatly impact my family’s life, but the lives of many others as well. In sharing our story and listening to the stories of others who I consider to have an amazing why in their lives, I started to notice a correlation. Not only were these people all making a difference in the lives of others, but they were also living and experiencing incredible lives themselves. But in almost every case, it was not a situation where these people had experienced huge success and then decided to give back. They decided to give and then experienced huge success, in every aspect of their lives. It was a living, breathing incarnation of Zig Ziglar’s quote; “You can have everything in life you want, if you will just help enough other people get what they want.”
So to answer your question, this is what the book is about. How to get you from where you are to where I know you can be. If everyone in the world can experience the kind of fullness of life that my wife and I have experienced by helping someone other than ourselves, not only will their lives improve immensely, but so will the world around them. The book is about helping you figure out what that purpose in your life can be, and how the world can be made into such a beautiful place when you do.