When you get into the initial stages of looking at what a Big Why looks like in your life and how it can play out externally, there are several things that you need to keep in mind. This also applies to the setting of any goal. Please take my advice and DO NOT worry about HOW something will get …
Defining Your Why
To the Dads of Daughters.
I am going to take a little bit of a different approach in this post. While having an overarching Big Why in your life is vitally important to your success, we all have a variety of roles (purposes) that we fulfill on a daily basis. One of these for me is being the father of a little girl. So this …
How is a Terrible Question
Okay, let me qualify the title of this post a little bit. Eventually in your pursuit of a Big Why you will need to figure out how to go about accomplishing something. All the thought, inspiration, and planning in the world are worthless without action. As the old saying goes, if knowledge was all …